Leading Centre for world class Assisted Reproductive Services in Nigeria.



Surrogacy might be part of your treatment journey if you have a medical condition that makes it impossible or unsafe for you to become pregnant and give birth.

What is surrogacy?​

Surrogacy involves a woman becoming pregnant and giving birth to a baby for a couple who want to have a child but cannot. A surrogate is a woman who carries and gives birth to the child for the intended parents (known as the commissioning couple). Surrogates or gestational carriers are needed when there is no viable womb available to carry gestate a foetus.

Become A Surrogate

Join our surrogate program to help bring the joy of parenthood to couples.

Surrogacy at Nordica Fertility Centre

Surrogacy can be quite complex due to the fact that there are many important steps to ensure that both parties make the best decisions. Nordica’s surrogacy program can support you throughout this journey. We provide the medical (screenings tests) psychological (counselling) and legal supports that help manage the various details of the process so it can be as easy as possible for everyone involved.


Types of Surrogacy

There are two main types of surrogacy:


A traditional surrogacy is one in which the woman carrying the child has contributed her own egg. This type of surrogacy is not as common as it once was for many reasons. IVF is now a bit more mainstream and affordable (comparatively) than it used to be (traditional surrogates can use IUI and not require IVF). And there have been some legal challenges about who is the rightful mother in these situations.


Gestational surrogacy is one in which the woman carrying the child has no genetic relationship to the baby. Some people feel that using the term “gestational carrier” is somehow demeaning or dehumanizing but it is really just a more accurate description. Despite the surrogate not being genetically related to the child, the child may or may not be the biological child of one or both of the intended parents. Use of donor egg/sperm has no bearing on this title but it can result in a legal quagmire if not properly outlined in the surrogacy contract and depending upon what state laws may or may not exist for these situations. It’s no secret that laws have not been keeping up with science lately.

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In either case, the surrogacy could be deemed as a compassionate surrogacy or as a compensated surrogacy. The differentiation there is largely a legal matter and reflects whether the woman carrying the child will be compensated beyond her own expenses – will she be receiving a fee for her services beyond her expenses or is she volunteering her body (with expenses paid)?

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If you’d like to book an appointment or find out more information, get in touch using the contact form or give us a call. We’d love to hear from you.