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7 Male Hormones That Decline After Age 30

7 Male Hormones That Decline After Age 30

Low testos

Blood serum testosterone levels of a 30 to 40 year old woman range from 15 to 100ng/dl and from 300 to 1200ng/dl for men. For men and symptoms of male menopause, a frequent problem is that the testosterone level that is good for one man can be different than the necessary level for another man.

If a man knows what his normal testosterone levels were in his 30’s, that information can be used in determining the appropriate testosterone treatment for low testosterone. If normal testosterone levels are not known for a man, treating low testosterone symptoms will likely begin at the lower end of the range, and male menopause symptom improvements will be monitored by you and your doctor.

Before beginning testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it’s important to have a complete physical exam, medical history and appropriate blood testing including a PSA test to be sure prostate cancer cells are not present. Testosterone replacement therapy requires that a physician be involved.


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid hormone mostly produced in the adrenal glands. DHEA and its metabolite DHEA-sulfate (DHEA-S) are precursors (needed for production of) of testosterone and estrogen in the body of both men and women.

DHEA also plays an active role in other critical functions – it is important for the immune system, it has a crucial role in the central nervous system and mood, and it is related to circulatory system health, for example.

After age 30, DHEA production declines about 10% every five years. Clinical studies have found that the lower the DHEA-S levels, the greater the risk for Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Growth Hormone
Growth hormone (hGH) production in the body begins declining in the early twenties and declines about 15% a decade after. Declining growth hormone levels are an important part of male menopause and related symptoms.

This important hormone common to males is made in the testes and adrenal glands. Progesterone in the body balances the effects of excess estrogen. Too much estrogen can suppress the male’s production of testosterone that leads to low testosterone levels in male menopause.

Progesterone and testosterone both help create new bone growth, and the lack of these two hormones leads to osteoporosis. Progesterone supplementation can reduce the size of an enlarged prostate in men with this condition. And improved sexual desire has been reported in men and women with natural progesterone supplementation.

This hormone is a precursor of DHEA production in the body. Many studies have shown its effects on the body and brain. It boosts energy and improves memory, mental performance and mood. Pregnenolone improves one’s ability to deal with stress. Pregnenolone helps strengthen the immune system; it improves skin health and quality of sleep.

This hormone is made in the body in the adrenals, the testes and in women’s ovaries. This hormone has been in the news because of its use by younger athletes to enhance athletic performance.

The pineal gland is where melatonin is made in the body. Its production declines significantly with age. Melatonin has a crucial role in sleep quality and sleep patterns, and as you may know, good sleep is vital for good health in everyone.