Fertility Talk With Dr Abayomi Ajayi: Effect Of Obesity On Male And Female Fertility
Fertility Talk With Dr Abayomi Ajayi: Effect Of Obesity On Male And Female Fertility

Effect Of Obesity On Male Fertility
The potential for obese males to have a reduce sperm count does exist. For instance, obesity can lower levels of the male hormone testosterone (which is directly linked to sperm count) that is converted to estrogen by fat cells. Obese males can also develop an “apron of fat” around the genital area –heating up the testicles and potentially reducing sperm numbers. Obesity can often lead to poor health in general but there are no studies to date showing that obese men have reduced sperm count.
Effect Of Obesity On Female Fertility
I can tell you right away that a woman with a BMI greater than 38 will have a lower rate of conception. While BMI is an acceptable method of measuring fertility, the distribution of body fat also has a great impact on fertility. It is equally true that women with a high waist-hip ratio are likely to have more trouble conceiving. Excess weight and obesity affects fertility by causing hormonal imbalances that is thought to account for around 10 percent of infertility cases. Fat cells produce the hormone estrogen in a form known as “estrone-E”
When there is too much in your body, it responds as thought you are on the contraceptive pill. Often this prevents the egg being released from the ovary and therefore it is impossible for conception to take place. In some cases an egg may released but hormonal disturbance may not be adequate enough to support the rest of the cycle.
There could also be a problem with a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which is closely associated with excess weight and obesity. It is hormonal or “endocrine” disorder with a combination of the symptoms ranging from regular cycles, cysts in the ovaries, pain whilst ovulating, failure to ovulate, heavy and painful periods, acne and excess body hair on the face, chest, below the navel and toes, and a high LH-FSH ratio greater than 3:1. If you are experiencing a combination of these symptoms and suspect that you may have PCOS, you should contact your gynecologist without delay. Diagnosis may involve a physical examination and an ultra sound to check the health of the ovaries.
For decades, evidence from research has demonstrated a link between excess body weight and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Excess body weight can lead to problems of menstrual cycle irregularity, infertility, an increased risk of miscarriage and difficulty achieving a good response to assisted reproductive procedures. It has also been investigated to determine the effect of excess weight as a teenager on subsequent fertility. Conversely, being underweight also has its advantages because it is known to lead to disruption in the normal menstrual cycle and subsequent fertility problems.