How To Understand Male Menopause
How To Understand Male Menopause

Andropause” is another word that has been used synonymously with male menopause. Women may not be alone when it comes to suffering from menopause-like symptoms, you can learn how to understand male menopause by reviewing its time frame, its symptoms and its treatment options to determine if you might need to consult your physician for help for you or a loved one.
Learn What The Reported Cause Of Male Menopause Is: Doctors describe male menopause as a reduction in androgen, also known as testosterone, as men get older. This condition is also referred to as low testosterone.
Low testosterone is associated with advanced age, but it can also occur with some diseases such as diabetes. Most men can produce sperm very late in life, so male menopause is a much more gradual process than female menopause, which occurs over a distinct, much briefer time period.
Know The Symptoms Of Male Menopause: Males going through male menopause report feelings of weakness, depression, fatigue and sexual issues.
In regards to sexual function, your testes may appear smaller, you may have a reduced amount of sexual desire, infertility and/or you may experience fewer spontaneous erections like those that occur in the middle of the night.
The low testosterone levels affiliated with male menopause can sometimes cause insomnia.
Physical changes affiliated with male menopause can include a reduction in muscle bulk, decreased bone density and increased body fat as symptoms. Those affected may have swollen or tender breasts and/or experience hair loss. Hot flashes and loss of energy have also been described with male menopause.
Emotional changes that may occur with male menopause can include decreased motivation and/or self-confidence. Sadness, depression and loss of concentration may also occur.
Learn About A Potential Diagnosis: Visit your doctor to discuss symptoms and get an exam. Your doctor may run other tests to rule out any other conditions. Specific to the male menopause, your doctor can order blood tests to test your hormone level, including a blood testosterone level test.
Seek Treatment For The Condition: If your doctor determines that your testosterone levels are low, he or she may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Testosterone replacement therapy does come with potential risks and side effects, though, including a higher risk of prostate cancer.
Lifestyle Changes: Alternately, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes instead of, or in conjunction with, your hormone replacement therapy. These lifestyle changes may include an exercise program or a new diet.