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Pregnancy Tips: Stop Smoking

Pregnancy Tips: Stop Smoking


If no reason is good enough to make you quit smoking, maybe this will: studies have found that smoking can reduce your fertility by up to 50%! If you or your partner smokes, it could possibly be the main culprit in your inability to conceive. Quitting while trying to conceive and cleansing your body from all its harmful chemicals is an important step towards conceiving.

Smokers are more likely to have fertility problems than nonsmokers. If you smoke for many years, or smoke many cigarettes per day, your risk for fertility problems is increased. When you smoke, more than 7000 chemicals spread throughout your entire body and all of your organs. This can lead to fertility problems, including the following: Ovulation problems, Genetic issues, Damage to your reproductive organs, Damage to your eggs or premature menopause, Increased risk of cancer and increased risk of miscarriage. In addition, smokers that try fertility treatments tend to take longer to get pregnant. Smokers are also more likely to give birth to babies with health problems.

Men that smoke cigarettes are at an increased risk for the following male fertility problems: Lower sperm count and sperm motility problems (motility is the ability of sperm to swim towards and penetrate the egg); Hormonal issues; Erectile dysfunction – trouble getting or maintaining an erection.

If you are trying to get pregnant without success and your partner smokes, encourage him to quit. The sooner he quits, the sooner you may be able to conceive. Fertility often improves for women after they stop smoking. Studies show that female smokers can increase their chances of conceiving by quitting at least two months before trying to get pregnant. Quit smoking and you may just find it easier to get pregnant.