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Healthy Diet For A Pregnant Woman

Healthy Diet For A Pregnant Woman

pregnant woman eating

If you’re pregnant, or planning to become pregnant soon, it’s important to plan your diet properly so you and the baby both get the nutrition you need. While you don’t really need to eat enough for two (contrary to the popular expression), you do need to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals for two, so skip the ice cream and pickles and eat as many of these 10 foods as possible. And, of course, be sure to talk to your doctor while you are pregnant to make sure you get all the essential nutrients you need to keep yourself and your baby feeling great.

Beans: Richest source of protein and fibre. Fibre keeps constipation away.

Soy: Gem of plant foods that contain complete protein with all essential amino acids. Versatile enough and blends well in whatever you cook-starting from stew.

Salmon: Best source of DHA and EPA Omega 3 fatty acids, protein, very low saturated fat, vitamins and minerals.

Sweet Potatoes: Inexpensive and versatile. Just cook in large amount and stock up for snacks later.

Whole Grains And Popcorn: Not only popcorn, you can also eat from barley, to grain bread, to oatmeal.

Dark Leafy Veggies: Fact for good eye health for mamma as well as baby. It’s Loaded with vitamins and nutrients which includes vitamin A, C, K and folate.

Lean Meat: Excellent source of concentrated nutrients.one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3.

Walnuts: In addition to salad, it makes a good choice for the on-the-run snack.

Greek Yogurt: It has twice the amount of protein than regular yoghurt. It’s a great source of calcium to keep the bones strong, of both the pregnant woman and baby.

Egg: 1 egg = 90 calories, apart from being a quality source of protein it’s also instrumental for baby’s brain growth.

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