Leading Centre for world class Assisted Reproductive Services in Nigeria.

The Power Of Positive Thinking For Fertility

Stress can negatively impact the body, thus putting a damper on fertility. And unfortunately, stress is compounded when …

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Causes of Infertility

Predicting Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant With IVF

When predicting your chances of getting pregnant with IVF, there are different factors to consider such as ovarian …

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How Does IVF Work?

The whole IVF process takes place within one menstrual cycle.For most women this is around 28 days, although …

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Surrogacy 101- All You Need To Know

What is surrogacy and why would you do it?  Surrogates or gestational carriers are needed when there is …

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New Project (34)

Egg Donation

Many couples who want to have children find it difficult or impossible to conceive. Using special techniques, some …

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Dr. Ajayi

Fertility Talk With Dr Ajayi: Unexplained Infertility

First Published August 2013 EVERYTHING LOOKS NORMAL, BUT SOMETHING’S WRONG Many people may not have met or known Beatrice. …

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Dr. Ajayi

Fertility Talk With Dr Ajayi: Unexplained Infertility (Part 2)

Did you miss part 1? Read Here Today I will be discussing the current understanding of what constitutes …

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Causes of Infertility

10 Things To Do Before You Get Pregnant

Are you thinking about taking the plunge into parenthood?  This is one of the most exciting times of …

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The Egg Donation Process

  Stopping your normal cycle: You may be prescribed a medication for one or more weeks to temporarily …

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Causes of Infertility

How Does Premature Ovarian Failure Affect Fertility

Premature ovarian failure also known as primary ovarian insufficiency or hypergonadotropic hypogonadismis occurs when the ovaries-which store and …

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