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Last Month Of Pregnancy Checklist

Last Month Of Pregnancy Checklist

pregnant woman wlking

Congratulations! You’re going to be a Mom!  It’s almost time for baby to make his or her big debut. As the big day draws closer, it can be overwhelming trying to know what needs to be done. Also realize that you probably can’t do it all at least not by yourself. Let your partner, family members and friends pitch in as well. Pace yourself as this last trimester can be an exhausting time for you.

While your hormones have probably already brought on some major nesting, your pregnancy brain might leave you feeling like there’s something you’ve forgotten (and there inevitably is).  Here are 14 must-do for month 9 of pregnancy:

Finalize Your Birth Plan
Continue with your prenatal visits; finalize your birth plan with your provider. Write it up so that you have a formal easy to read document. Write down your doctor’s instructions about what danger signs to be on the lookout for, what requires a call to the nurse, what requires a trip to the ER, and how often you should do kick counts and what to do if the baby isn’t as active as normal. Take a birthing class and hospital tour if you haven’t already done so.

Pack The Hospital And Labour Bags
Pack your labour bag and baby’s bag with necessary supplies. However, many hospitals supply you with a number of items as well so don’t over pack.

Decorate The Nursery
Prepare for your baby shower by creating your baby registry. Consider adding some big ticket items to the regular smaller priced ones. Sometimes people go together to buy a larger item such as a stroller or crib.

Keep Active
It might be a bit more daunting as you get bigger and feel less graceful but it will help you feel better, improve your mood and make sure you are physically ready for labour. It will also improve your sleep, which can be problematic during the third trimester.

Treat Yourself To A Manicure
Not only do you deserve some pampering, but your hands will feature prominently in a zillion photos of your new bundle of joy.

Go On A Date
It’s tough to predict when you’ll next head out solo with your significant other. Take advantage of the last few weeks by doing things as a couple before your family grows by one or more.

Upgrade Your Phone Storage
You are about to start taking so many photos and videos of your baby that you’ll hit your storage max quickly. Don’t let that video of your baby’s first coo get cut off because you feel too guilty to erase the 75 pictures you took of the first stroller walk.

Speaking Of Photos, Research A Newborn Photographer
Get some recommendations from friends, then get the low down on fees (there can be a big difference between the cost of having them taken and actually getting them printed). Photographers like to do these in the first two weeks of life, so do the legwork now so you’re not scrambling to hire one in a sleep-deprived state.

Ask For A Foot Rub
Cankles or not, propping your feet up and having them rubbed will feel “ah-mazing”. Your significant other or anyone within arm’s reach of your perch on the couch will do. You’ve earned it – and it’s pretty hard to turn down a woman who can’t reach her own feet.

Make New Playlists
You’ll never be so grateful for putting 1,000 songs in your pocket than when you’re a new parent.  Make a playlist for the hospital, one for car rides or long walks with baby, and one with some soothing, mellow tunes that will keep you and baby relaxed.

Stock Up On Staples
Head to the grocery store and grab a bunch of non-perishable items like pasta, cereal… even some of that milk in a box (bonus points for anything that can be eaten one-handed). There will be times in the early days when you can’t get out of the house and will need a quick meal.

Wash Some Of The Baby’s New Clothes
Leave the tags on the rest, because there’s no way to know what’s going to fit (and for how long). Be sure to use gentle detergent, though no need to get fancy.

I Need Somebody, Not Just Anybody…Help!
Make a list of caregivers you’re comfortable with, and let them know they’re on it in case you need emergency coverage in those early weeks.

Use A Vacation Day
Whether you’re still working or not, take a day just for you. Appreciate being alone and doing anything at your own pace. It’ll be a long time until you’ll stop feeling like a rushed Supermarket Sweep contestant every time you leave the house.

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