Top Infertility Symptoms Women Should Look Out For
Top Infertility Symptoms Women Should Look Out For

If you have been trying for over six months and are wondering if you have a fertility issue, there are a few things you should be looking for to determine if you have an infertility issue. Too many couples suffer in silence much longer than they should, trying month after month to conceive when they could have a solution.
Menstrual Cycle: For women, check to see if you menstrual cycle is regular (typically between 28-30 days) and if you have a regular flow. If the menstrual cycle is extra-long or short, if you have heavy bleeding, etc., then you could have a hormonal issue that is contributing to infertility. Hormonal issues can wreak havoc on a women’s system. They can appear in the form of additional facial hair on women, additional weight or lost weight without having changed your diet, sudden acne or mid-cycle spotting. If you have these issues then you should check with your doctor as you may be having a hormonal issue.
Age: How old are you? Unfortunately as women age, our fertility declines. Most of us aren’t prepared to have a child in our 20s and we waited for various reasons including a career or not meeting Mr. Right. However, as we age so do our eggs and our “ovarian reserve” is older, meaning time is of the essence in fertility. This should encourage you to seek help sooner, not discourage you. If you are over 40, don’t wait to conceive- seek a fertility specialist right away as the window may be closing.
Infections: These may be signs of infertility problems and need to be diagnosed as soon as possible. There are many reasons for infections ranging from being sexually transmitted, a low immune system or complications post-surgery. If you notice any symptom, make an appointment with your doctor straight away! It is wise to undergo tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as some do not show any obvious symptoms early on and could cause damage if left untreated for a long time.
Basal Body Temperature: Basal body temperature is the lowest temperature attained by the body during rest. It is usually measured immediately after you wake up, before any physical activity. Ovulation causes an increase of one half to one degree Fahrenheit or one quarter to one half of a degree Celsius. This is one of the methods used by women who are estimating their day of ovulation. This could be a sign of infertility because if there is no change in temperature, this could indicate that ovulation is not taking place.
Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a disease that affects women of reproductive age and that may be associated with both pelvic pain and infertility. If you have endometriosis, it may be more difficult for you to become pregnant. Up to 30% to 50% of women with endometriosis may experience infertility. Endometriosis can influence fertility in several ways: distorted anatomy of the pelvis, adhesions, scarred fallopian tubes, inflammation of the pelvic structures, altered immune system functioning, changes in the hormonal environment of the eggs, impaired implantation of a pregnancy, and altered egg quality.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome): PCOS is a common cause of anovulation and female infertility. Women with polycystic ovaries and fertility problems: do not release an egg (ovulate) regularly and have ovaries that contain many small cystic structures, about 2-9 mm in diameter.
The infertility rate with polycystic ovaries is very high. These women usually will have difficulty getting pregnant – and usually require treatment to improve chances for pregnancy. Some women with polycystic ovary syndrome will ovulate (release a mature egg) occasionally – others do not ever ovulate.
Blocked Ovarian Tubes: A fallopian tube blockage typically prevents successful passage of the egg to the sperm, or the fertilized egg to the uterus. Surgery can be used to try to correct this common cause of infertility. The specific type of surgery depends on the location and extent of the fallopian tube blockage.