What Nigerian Men Need To Know About Fertility
What Nigerian Men Need To Know About Fertility

Historically, the shame of being unable to have children was solely placed on the woman’s shoulders. The pregnancy occurs in her body, so it makes sense that most people would assume conception is (almost) all about the woman.
It’s often said that women approaching 35 start to hear the ticking of a biological clock, as they realise their most fertile years are ebbing away. But how much do we know about male fertility?
Well, men can reproduce into middle age and beyond, surely? Men produce 50,000 sperm every minute, which means we can father children whenever we want, right?Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. More and more evidence suggests that men do have a biological clock, even if we don’t always listen to it.
Inevitably the admission came that in as much as fifty percent of infertility cases, the fault lay with the male.
It takes two to make a baby, and male fertility is just as important.
So what do men need to know to protect themselves as well as prepare themselves for when they finally do want to father children?
Is there any truth to rumours or supposed myths about bicycle seats, tighty whities and hot tubs? Are there specific foods that cater to male fertility more than others?
If you want to give yourself the best chance of having children, here are the fertility facts all men should know.
TOO MANY ALCOHOLIC DRINKS: There is an old joke that if you want to get a woman pregnant, get her drunk, but research has proven that if the male is drunk too, the chances of anyone getting pregnant are slim to none. Not only does too much alcohol impair a man’s ability to achieve an erection, if he does manage to achieve one, his ability to ejaculate becomes impaired. Add to that the fact that alcohol actually damages the sperm creating cells and raises estrogen levels in men. Long term alcoholism can cause extensive internal damage to the testicles themselves.
AVOID TIGHTY WHITIE: Despite the firm belief that tight underwear blunts sperm production as opposed to loose fitting underwear, there is no scientific research to support the idea that any kind of underwear affects sperm production one way or the other. So where does this belief stem from? Perhaps it is the advice that keeping the male genitals too warm does indeed damage sperm. After all, isn’t that why male reproductive organs are on the outside, to keep sperm cool while a woman’s reproductive system is fully contained inside her body?
AVOID HOT TUBS, SAUNAS AND HOT SHOWERS: In the same vein, hot tubs, saunas and hot showers have indeed been proven to lower sperm counts. Once these factors are removed, studies have shown that sperm motility returns to normal levels in as little as a month or two.
STOP SMOKING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: Smoking in all its forms; cigarettes or marijuana damages sperm. A study where the sperm of smokers was analyzed, discovered that their sperm did not have the ability to bind strongly enough to a female’s egg, severely hampering conception.
TOO MUCH EXERCISE CAN HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON SPERM COUNT: While the usual sage advice of healthy diet and exercise is certainly based in truth, too much exercise can have an adverse affect on sperm counts. Heat damages sperm so if the body over heats during excessive exercise then this can have the same effect as being in a hot tub or sauna. It’s very important for men to stay hydrated during exercise and be careful not to over exert themselves.
INCREASE IN PROTEIN IN THE DIET: An increase in protein in the diet has been shown to increase fertility for men. Vegetarians can take protein supplements. Other helpful supplements include Vitamin C, Selenium, Vitamin E and even Folic Acid, previously thought to be just for mothers-to-be.
EJACULATING AT LEAST ONCE A DAY: Certainly one of the most popular ways to increase sperm count is sex every 24 or at least 48 hours. Ejaculating at least once a day keeps the man reproductive system working efficiently and helps prevent sperm from dying.
TOXIC WORKPLACE CHEMICALS: Does your job involve close contact with toxic chemicals? If so, you may be at greater risk for infertility and decreased sperm health. Farmers, painters, varnishers, metal workers, and welders have all been found to be at risk for decreased fertility. If your job involves toxic chemical contact or high heat conditions, speak to your doctor. There may be more steps you can take to protect yourself.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS ( STDs/STIs): Sexually transmitted infections can lead to infertility if not treated promptly. Left untreated, an infection can lead to scar tissue within the male reproductive tract, making semen transfer ineffective or even impossible. If you have any symptoms of an STI, see your doctor right away, and if you’re at risk for contracting an STI, get regular checks even if you are asymptomatic. You may unknowingly pass on an STI to your female partner, which can then damage her fertility.
WEIGHT: Being over or underweight can have a negative effect on semen health. Men with a Body Mass Index (BMI) below 20 have been found to have lower sperm concentration and sperm counts, while obese men have been found to have lower levels of testosterone and lower sperm counts.
PAYING ATTENTION TO AGE IS IMPORTANT FOR MEN TOO: Research has found that with increased age, male fertility and sperm health decreases, including an increase in DNA-damaged sperm. Male age has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, the passing on of genetic problems, and some birth defects. Increased male age has also been linked to increased rates of autism and schizophrenia.
IVF treatment is also impacted by male age. One study found that for each additional year of paternal age, there was an 11% increased odds of not achieving pregnancy, and a 12% increase in the odds of not having a live birth.