Surgical procedures that may be used to investigate fertility problems and assist with fertility includes: (A) FALLOPIAN TUBE …
This will depend on many factors, including the age of the patient(s), how long they have been infertile, …
How Are Egg Donors Selected? If you answer an advertisement, you may be interviewed over the telephone, or …
What is surrogacy and why would you do it? Surrogates or gestational carriers are needed when there is …
In natural conception, day 2 to 3-day-old embryos are normally found in the fallopian tubes, not in the …
Many couples who want to have children find it difficult or impossible to conceive. Using special techniques, some …
Stopping your normal cycle: You may be prescribed a medication for one or more weeks to temporarily …
Conception takes place when a male sperm meet and fertilizes the egg, produced and transferred it to the …
Menopause is that time when permanent cessation of menstruation occurs following the loss of ovarian activity. The average …
The 2-week wait after the embryo transfer can be the longest 2 weeks in your life. As any IVF …