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Fertility Diet

Fertility Diet



Diet of women plays an important role in determining her fertility.  The healthiest and safest way of enhancing fertility is with foods. Certain foods are said to boost fertility and they are definitely worth a try!

When trying to conceive, remember the food you eat not only affects your blood but also your cells and hormones as well. Here is a list of fertility foods that if added to daily diet can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

WATER: Our bodies need water in order to maintain healthy functioning. Keeping yourself hydrated will not only help your reproductive organs function properly but also help sperms reach the cervix. So, drink fresh and filtered water to boost your fertility power. Drink two litres of filtered water per day. You can also drink freshly squeezed fruit juices and herbal teas.

GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES: The best example is spinach which is loaded with iron, folic acid and antioxidants. All these are required to maintain good health of your reproductive organs. This will also prevent defects in the newborn.

YAMS: This food has been known to promote fertility for centuries. In the famous study on the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, yams were found to be a staple in the people’s diets, and the country has the highest rate of twins in the world. This is because wild yams can cause hyper-ovulation, meaning that you release more than one egg.
Yam contains phytoestrogens, weak estrogens that will stop the body’s own estrogen production in women who are estrogen dominant. Yams also contain a form of natural progesterone (dioscin). With women suffering from endometriosis and fibroids, both of which are linked to estrogen dominance, the phytoestrogens and progesterone like properties in yams can help regulate the estrogen progesterone balance.

DAIRY PRODUCTS: Milk and milk products along with lean animal protein generate fertility hormones like FSH and LH in women. If you add these to your daily diet you will soon get pregnant.

VITAMIN C: Fruits like papaya, blueberries, oranges, strawberries offer lot of nutrient values to women trying to conceive.

OMEGA 3 FATTY ACID: Omega 3 fatty acid is very good for fertility. This fat has fertility boosting benefits such as stress relief and regulating reproductive hormones.  So, add handful of nuts like almonds and walnuts that are rich source of omega 3 fatty acid to your daily diet.  You can also get your omega 3’s by consuming plenty of fish and certain enriched eggs.

IRON-RICH FOODS: Studies show that women who get enough iron in their diet have less fertility problems than women who don’t. You can get your iron in a number of ways: leafy greens such as spinach, and lean meat like chicken, are two good options. Another option is to take a multi-vitamin or iron supplement, but getting your nutritional needs through food is always better.

WHOLE GRAINS: Eating whole grain breads and other complex carbs is much better for you than eating refined carbs. Whole grain breads are full of vitamins and minerals which also enhance fertility. Refined, processed carbs like white bread often causes spikes in your insulin levels, which can promote fertility issues. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, do not cause insulin spikes in the body, which can really help with fertility.

FRUITS: Studies show that diet rich in fruit are also a crucial part of the eating pattern—can help improve your chances of becoming a parent. The healthy antioxidants fruits contain extra iron that may improve women’s baby-making prospects.

OLIVE OIL: Unsaturated vegetable oils—including olive oil—are good for both your heart and your fertility.  These healthy fats—along with those from nuts, seeds, and cold-water fish like salmon—help increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation; two trends that help boost the chances of getting pregnant.

FOLIC ACID: Women who are trying to get pregnant have long been advised to take folic acid supplements to protect against neural tube birth defect and help the baby you hope to conceive get off to healthy start in life.

BERRIES: Certain berries can be good for preserving the health of your eggs: something vital when trying to conceive. This is because some berries contain high levels of antioxidants and great nutrients that help prevent aging to your body.



If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, there’s at least a 30% chance it’s because of male fertility problems. To improve your sperm count and health, you need to eat the right foods- which is what these fertility tips are all about.
And here are five foods to increase sperm count, production, and motility…

LEAFY GREEN VEGGIES, AVACADOS, BEANS and WHOLE GRAIN: Make sure you’re getting enough folic acid, because low levels can lead to birth defects. Men with low levels of folate have more sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. To increase your sperm count, production, and motility, make sure you’re eating lots of dark green veggies and fruit. You may want to consider a folic acid supplement.

RED PEPPERS, CARROTS, OATMEAL, and DRIED APRICOTS: Deficiencies in vitamin A in men have been linked to lowered fertility due to sluggish sperm. To increase sperm count and motility, eat dark green lettuce, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and dairy fortified with vitamin A.

ASPARAGUS, SNOW PEAS, COOKED TOMATOES, and STRAWBERRIES: Vitamin C and vitamin A are found in many of the same foods: kale, red peppers, sweet potatoes, yellow veggies and fruits. The antioxidants in these foods help increase sperm count by decreasing harmful free radicals. The vitamin C in these foods also affect sperm motility and viability (how fast and effectively they swim).

TURKEY, EGGS, SEAFOOD, OYSTERS, PUMPKIN SEEDS: Inadequate amounts of zinc can lead to low testosterone levels and diminished sperm count. Zinc is actually quite widespread – it’s also found in beef, yogurt, oatmeal, corn.

SALMON, SARDINES, ANCHOVIES, WALNUTS: To increase sperm count, load up on foods that contain healthy omega-3s! DHA and other essential omega-3 fatty acids help improve blood flow to the genitals and increase sexual function,” Fertile men’s sperm contains more of this essential fatty acid than the sperm of infertile men. Other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include arugula, crab, shrimp, flax, and chicken.