Fertility Misconceptions: Just Relax And It Will Happen
Fertility Misconceptions: Just Relax And It Will Happen
This well-meaning and common suggestion from friends and family who are trying to ‘help’ can actually be quite hurtful to someone struggling with infertility. It implies that it is their fault. And infertility is not a lifestyle choice or something you have control over, anymore than you can choose whether or not you have kidney disease.
While the exact biology of how stress might come into play is not fully understood, there is no doubt that stress is associated with infertility and that being on a fertility journey is stressful. Studies have shown that people experiencing infertility have stress levels equivalent to patients with a cancer or heart disease.
While it remains controversial as to whether stress directly influences a woman’s ability to conceive, certainly it has an enormous effect on her experience and overall sense of well-being while trying to conceive. So, do what you can to moderate and limit the extra stressors in your life…without causing yourself more stress by trying to de-stress!