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Top Fertility Misconceptions

Infertility is widely misunderstood, despite increased public awareness of the issue of infertility. The more couples and individuals know …

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Frequently Asked Questions On Infertility And IVF: When Is IVF Needed?

IVF was originally developed for women with blocked tubes or missing fallopian tubes and it is still the …

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Abayomi Ajayi
Dr. Ajayi

Dr Ajayi’s Interview: Unexplained Infertility Doesn’t Mean There Is No Problem

Published July 2014 The name Dr. Abayomi Ajayi is a household name in the world of gynaecology, especially …

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Female Factor Infertility

Fertility Misconceptions: Just Relax And It Will Happen

This well-meaning and common suggestion from friends and family who are trying to ‘help’ can actually be quite …

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Female Factor Infertility

Fertility Misconceptions: We Have Sex Often

  It is amazing how much our fast-paced lifestyle and schedules interfere with conception. Couples trying to conceive …

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Female Factor Infertility

Fertility Misconceptions: It’s All My Fault

Despite knowing that it takes two to make a baby, many women assume that fertility problems almost always …

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Female Factor Infertility

Fertility Misconceptions : There Is No Rush

The rule of thumb for women age 34 or younger in otherwise perfect health is to try to …

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Female Factor Infertility

Fertility Misconceptions: 40 Is The New 30

Despite what we see in the media with numerous celebrity moms in their 40s (and even 50s), the …

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14 Fertility Misconceptions

Despite increased public awareness of the issue of infertility, many people still don’t really get it. There are …

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Fertility Misconceptions: Eating Yams While Trying To Conceive Will Cause Twins

Yams first got their rep as a twin-maker after researchers started looking into why the African village of …

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