Ovulation Symptoms: Changes In Cervical Position
Ovulation Symptoms: Changes In Cervical Position
The position of your cervix can also tell you if you are fertile. Right after you have your period, your cervix will feel low, hard, and closed. As ovulation approaches, your cervix will move higher up and feel soft and mushy. It will also feel more open.
Think cervical checks are just for nurses and doctors? Actually, once you know what to feel for, anyone — including you! — can learn to check cervical position. To check your cervix, make sure your hands are clean and then squat or place one leg on the toilet or bath tub. Reach inside your vagina – you may have to reach very far up – and feel for a lump that has a little opening. Take your time and feel around. It’s easier to find your cervix right after you have your period. You may want to locate it then, so it is easier for you to find when it gets close to ovulation
Pros Of Using This Method To Detect Ovulation:
- It’s free.
- Get to know your body better.
- May help you figure out if you’re ovulating, even when your cervical mucus is drier from antihistamines.
Cons Of Using This Method To Detect Ovulation:
- Takes practice to get a feel (no pun intended) for the differences.
- Some people are grossed out by the idea.
- Not a definite sign of ovulation. Like with cervical mucus, you can have fertile cervical signs but not actually ovulate