Leading Centre for world class Assisted Reproductive Services in Nigeria.
Causes of Infertility

Fibroid And Pregnancy

Uterine fibroid can cause infertility but for many women with fibroids, they can still get pregnant despite the …

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Causes of Infertility

Fibroid Symptoms

The majority of fibroids are small and do not cause any symptoms at all. But many women have …

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infertility in women
Causes of Infertility

What Causes Infertility In Some Women?

Failure To Ovulate Ovulatory disorders are one of the most common reasons why women are unable to conceive, …

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male menopause
Causes of Infertility

Male Menopause Symptoms

Male menopause differs from female menopause in that not all men will experience it and it doesn’t include a complete …

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infertility in men
Causes of Infertility

Is Male Menopause Real?

Because men do not go through a well-defined period referred to as menopause, some doctors refer to this …

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Male factor infertility

7 Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Male Menopause Symptoms

Besides taking action to improve declining hormone levels during the male menopause years, a male will experience the …

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Causes of Infertility

Understanding Male Hormones Over Time

Testosterone levels vary greatly among men. In general, however, older men tend to have lower testosterone levels than …

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Causes of Infertility

Pregnancy Tips: De-Stress

Can excess stress keep you from getting pregnant? Anyone who’s heard the conception advice “just relax and it’ll …

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Causes of Infertility

Asherman′s Syndrome: Diagnosis & Treatment

Asherman’s Syndrome is a condition characterized by adhesions and/or scaring of the endometrium most often develop after uterine surgery …

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Causes of Infertility

What Is Asherman′s Syndrome?

Definition: A condition characterized by adhesions and/or fibrosis of the endometrium, the uterine walls adhere to one another, this …

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