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Ovulation Symptoms: Spotting

Ovulation Symptoms: Spotting


Have you noticed light spotting during the middle of your cycle?  Sometimes women assume this spotting is just leftover blood from menstruation, but if it occurs around the time you might be ovulating, there’s a good chance that it is ovulation spotting.  Spotting sometimes occurs when the egg bursts through the follicle during ovulation.  It can also happen just before or after ovulation as a result of hormonal changes.  If you see this type of spotting it is considered to be a sign of high fertility.

Causes Of Ovulation Spotting
It’s believed ovulation spotting occurs due to hormones causing the ovarian follicle surface to weaken. With the weakening, a hole or stigma forms in the surface, which permits the passage of the egg. Blood may appear due to rupture of the stigma. Another cause may be the rise in estrogen accompanying ovulation.

Appearance Of Ovulation Spotting
When ovulation spotting occurs, it will appear brownish or pinkish rather than red in most cases. It may be mixed with the egg-white type cervical mucus. Heavier bleeding or spotting is not likely to be associated with ovulation, however. Also, many women do not experience ovulation spotting at all even though they may have normal ovulation and cycles.

Timing Sexual Intercourse
It’s a good idea to try sexual intercourse when ovulation spotting occurs and for a few days afterward for best chances of conception. Charting temperatures or using a home ovulation predictor test will help as well.