Leading Centre for world class Assisted Reproductive Services in Nigeria.
Causes of Infertility

Fertility Talk With Dr Abayomi Ajayi : Male Factor Infertility

Infertility is defined when a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of regular unprotected sexual …

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Causes of Infertility

Trying To Conceive At The Age Of 35 And Beyond

MIDDLE age has never been accepted as one of the best times to conceive but experience shows that …

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How Infertility Affects Sexuality

In more ways than one, the emotional traumas associated with infertility are well known especially to those who …

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Causes of Infertility

Lifestyle Issues And Infertility

  “When are you ever going to begin having children?” For the millions of people struggling to get …

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Treating Severe Male Factor Infertility – A True Life Example

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) Mr. and Mrs. O.A were first seen at Nordica Fertility Center Lagos …

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How IMSI Can Help Treat Male Infertility

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected sperm Injection (IMSI) is the latest advancement in the treatment of male infertility. Several years …

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All You Need To Know About Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a common disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It occurs when normal endometrial tissue (the …

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how to have a babay

How To Cope While Waiting for Conception

Waiting to achieve conception can be extremely stressful and frustrating. You may find that your mood swing from …

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Causes of Infertility

Causes of Infertility

The desire of every couple is to become parents within the first or second year of married life. …

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Male Infertility

Abnormally low counts or absence of sperm in the ejaculate is no longer a life sentence. ICSI or …

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