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Pregnancy Tips: Go Low On The Sweets

Pregnancy Tips: Go Low On The Sweets


Sugar may contribute to infertility?! That’s right, consuming sugar regularly may lead to infertility, or make fertility issues you already have worse. Too much consumption of sugary snacks has been linked to the over production of adrenaline. This particular hormone, though the body’s defense mechanics, also kills progesterone (the female reproductive hormone) and as a result, reduces chances of conception.


Hormone Disruption
Food containing these ingredients are broken down quickly by the body, this raises our insulin levels too quickly. But how does this affect my hormone levels? This quick spike in sugar levels creates a ‘high’ in our bodies that last from 15-30 minutes. After that, our sugar levels plummet, leaving the body drained and exhausted. This creates what is referred to as ‘fight or flight’ reaction in the body, due to continued stimulation of the adrenal glands. This drop in sugar levels, signal the adrenal glands to release the hormone cortisol and adrenalin in an attempt to replenish sugar levels. Repeated stimulation of the adrenal glands to release cortisol and adrenalin, weakens the adrenal glands. Hormones produced by the adrenals are not produced in abundance; the adrenals become sluggish. This may lead to hormonal imbalance. Not enough hormones are being produced or released. Other endocrine glands are not being signaled to release their hormones and the entire communication of the endocrine system becomes broken. All of this repeated adrenal stimulation affects the hormone levels of estrogen, progesterone, and the androgens DHEA and testosterone. This goes for both women and men.

Insulin Resistance
The pancreas secretes insulin to convert the sugar in our blood to energy in our cells. Over consumption of sugary foods, requires the pancreas to release more and more insulin. Over time, continued release of too much insulin may create insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is known to disrupt normal ovulation by preventing the body from ovulating, or limiting the maturation process of the egg. Insulin resistance also may disrupt the ability of the egg to implant in the uterus after conception. Women with insulin resistance are 4-5 times more likely to have a miscarriage. Insulin resistance is a key factor for most women with PCOS.

Yeast Infection
While a yeast infection may not directly cause infertility, it can hinder the ability of sperm reaching the egg. A vaginal yeast infection makes it almost impossible to have sexual intercourse, which we all know is necessary to become pregnant.

Too much sugar consumption may cause hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is known to contribute to PMS, or make it worse.

Lowered Immunity
Research has shown that just 1 tablespoon of sugar can lower your immunity for up to 4 hours at a time. Lowered immunity means that we are more susceptible to infections of all kinds, this includes yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis (may lead to PID), but also sexually transmitted diseases as well, all of which greatly affect our fertility.

Vitamin And Mineral Deficiency
For the body to continually release insulin and cortisol, it has to use up vitamin and mineral stores. Vitamins and minerals that are often depleted are B vitamins, especially B6, Vitamin  E, magnesium and copper. Lowered levels of vitamin E have been linked to miscarriage.

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