Sperm Killers: Laptops
Can a laptop computer really affect a man’s ability to reproduce? Laptop computers really should not be …
Sperm Killers: Briefs
One of the most common causes of low sperm count is easily reversible with a simple lifestyle change. …
Sperm Killers: Varicose Veins
A varicocele is a varicose vein of the testicle and scrotum that may cause pain and lead to …
Sperm Killers: Cell Phones
The advice about cell phones in proximity to a man’s reproductive organs varies; leaving your cell phone …
Sperm Killers: Obesity
Obesity has been associated with increased production of female hormones (estrogen), decreased sperm counts, sexual dysfunction, and …
Sperm Killers: Tobacco, Alcohol & Marijuana
Tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana can impair sexual function; have a range of short and long term health effects, …
Sperm Killers: Bad Diet
This one is sort of linked to obesity, but not always. If a man only eats junk food …
Sperm Killers: Your Toxic Shower
Exposure to Phthalates in scented soaps, shampoos, cleaners, and in vinyl shower curtains (Ever noticed those things can …
Sperm Killers: Cash Register Receipts
There’s no direct evidence linking register receipts to damaged sperm, but why take chances? Think how many times …
Fertility Talk With Dr Abayomi Ajayi : Male Factor Infertility
Infertility is defined when a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of regular unprotected sexual …